How to become a Tradie Wife


If you are married to a tradesperson in Australia, you may be wondering how to go about setting up a business together. In fact, it has become so popular for partners to get together in a trade-based business that the term ‘tradie wife’ has hit the common vernacular. If you’re interested in joining the tradie wives club, then this blog post will provide information and tips on how to get your business started together.

Step 1: Learn all the business admin stuff

A tradie wife usually helps their partner with tasks related to their trade. These tasks include scheduling work, ordering supplies, creating marketing materials, managing accounts receivable and payable, managing customer service inquiries, and other duties associated with running the business. In this role, it’s important for a tradie wife to have strong communication skills so that you can effectively communicate with customers and suppliers.

Step 2: Learn the tradie industry

As a tradie wife, you’ll want to have a good understanding of your partner’s business. To gain experience, talk to them about what they do and familiarise yourself with all aspects of their job. Ask questions about different tools they use or techniques they apply when working on projects. This will help you gain an understanding of what it takes to be successful in their trade and this will help you provide better support to your partner when needed. Additionally, gaining experience by volunteering or working part-time at your partner’s business can be beneficial as well.

Step 3: Build your network

Reaching out for support from other tradie wives is another great way to learn more about the role of being a tradie wife and find ways to make it easier for yourself and your partner to run your business successfully. There are many online forums for tradies, but the best group we have seen is TradieWives. TradieWives has several events and forums it runs to help you with everything you need.  Joining a forum like this can help you connect with other experienced wives who have been through similar experiences as yours.

Step 4: Pick your banking and accounting provider

Having the right business bank account and accounting software is vital to ensuring that you can manage your finances effectively. With next-generation platforms like Thriday, all your banking, accounting and tax is automated in real-time, so you don't have to lift a finger. You can join Thriday for free, and more advanced features are available for only $29.95 a month, which is a bargain when you consider how much time and money it will save you. Thriday is the best accounting software for tradie wives and is also tax deductible.

Step 5: Help with accounts payable

Once your business is established and you have some clients, you’ll need to set up a process to track your invoice payments. To get started, you can sign up for a tool like Thriday. Thriday is unique in that it offers an invoicing solution that is automated alongside your accounting and tax. When you issue an invoice with Thriday, automatic payment reminders are sent to the client, and as soon as they pay the income is reconciled. This makes it super easy to see where you stand, and who has paid what.

Step 5: Lodge your taxes

As a tradie, the ultimate goal is to secure jobs and receive payment to improve your cash flow. Thriday can help you achieve this by providing a dedicated business bank account* and Visa Debit card, which can aid in monitoring your tax responsibilities. By utilising these accounts to earn income and make expenses, Thriday takes over your bookkeeping, accounting, and tax duties, making financial administration effortless. Thriday has become a preferred choice among tradies due to its implementation of artificial intelligence, which streamlines financial management processes such as receipt scanning, reconciliation and GST tracking. Learn how much time you can save with Thriday with this quick quiz.

Becoming a tradie wife can be a rewarding business, as you get to control your own destiny, and work with your partner to grow your business together. Having an understanding of what the role entails is key along with gaining experience in your partner’s trade and finding support from other experienced wives who have done it before us. Being prepared will help ensure success when transitioning into this role.

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